All Is One.
What’s outside of the universe?
Everything we see, experience, interact with and observe is all contained within this unified system called the universe. Every molecule, compound, chemical, star cluster, black hole, blade of grass, animal, and even consciousness itself, is all contained within the universe.
With this reference point in mind, is it not then possible to posit that: we are simply the universe becoming conscious of and realizing itself?
When you look into the idea of panpsychism (the notion that everything is conscious), it aligns identically to the Vedic traditions (Yoga, Hinduism, Buddhism) of believing that everything has a “soul” (soul in this case being likened to consciousness). In fact, many philosophers, scholars and deep thinkers all believe that the universe is consciousness; with nothing outside of consciousness itself—nothing outside of the universe.
It is only the Ego that maintains that it is separate from the All.
Humorously, once you’ve become able to grasp this concept, it will also make you chuckle when you hear other people claim that something is “unnatural”. Unnatural to what? It’s all a part of the All. Every thought, experience, understanding, and belief system; every intelligence, city, building, and construct is all contained within the universe—all contained within the All. How can anything be “unnatural”, then, when both the natural and un-natural come from the same source; come from from the All? It is only dogma and staunchly held belief systems that will make you think any differently.
We are all one, perceived separately. Non-separation within apparent separation.
When pondered deeply enough, it is almost nonsensical to try and argue any differently from this point, and anyone who tries merely ends up splitting hairs or running in circles over vaporous points, failing to see the real quandary at hand: you are the universe—correct—so now, how are you going to play out your temporal experience?
Why waste anymore time postulating over whether the sky is blue or not, we know it is… now try seeing if you can fly a plane up into it or not.
At the end of the day, it is our actions, not our ideas, that will make any real change in this world.
-stop thinking (the answer is obvious now), start doing instead.
Ready for the next biggest question related to this: where do we go when we die?
Go? Go where? Where is there to go outside of the universe—outside of the All?
Check out my older article tackling this topic HERE*.