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The Waterfalls and Landmasses of Iceland.

Like walking straight onto a movie set, Iceland possesses some of the most unimaginably breathtaking landscapes on earth! It’s no wonder a majority of movies have been filmed here, as (while traversing across these varied landscapes) you can be made to feel like you're transitioning across the tropics, an alien planet, or even driving across the moon!

Though a relatively small island, able to be driven across in a mere 4.5 days, Iceland's varied elevations and climates are what affect each region so uniquely. One minute it can be snowing; the next minute it can be hot; then all of a sudden you'll find yourself caught in an immense fog. Perhaps what really makes this country so iconic, however, is its never ending daytime/nighttime stretches. Depending on what time of year you decide to visit, daytime can either span an entire 24 hour day, or nighttime can stretch for 24 hours, leaving you in perpetual darkness. This, ultimately, makes travelling across Iceland in the summer months a complete joy, and in the winter time, a complete misery. In fact, you probably won't even get very far in the winter months, as a majority of the roads are closed due to ice!

All in all, Iceland is definitely a place worth visiting at least once in your life—just to see what it might be like if you were to visit an alien planet. Though, be warned, prices in Iceland are so ridiculously expensive that a mere burger, fries and pop can cost you upwards of 20 CAD! Be sure to bring your Clif Bars*... ✌