Escaping Samsara.


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." — Marianne Williamson

Samsara*; the fundamental assumption of all Indian religions is that we are on a cycle of birth and death, deemed to helplessly wander beyond worlds until we have accumulated enough of a karmic load in the right direction, so as to achieve Moksha* (liberation) and free ourselves from our tormented cycle here on earth.

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." — Mae West

This concept of Samsara, beyond potentially being a mere control mechanism used by rulers or priests in order to herd the masses, is more of an "out" than an actual source of aspiration.

Why do today what you can put off to tomorrow? To the next few days? To the next few weeks? To the next few months? To never?

The truth is, we are more driven by detriment than dynasty. We will often choose the less-difficult path; unless being pushed forward by an extremely difficult circumstance. Fear, in most cases, is a stronger motivator for doing what we "must" — though, even then, our actions are still uncertain. The great majority of us strive for goals that we only say we will do, so as to give ourselves something to look forward to later on. Refusing (if ever) to realize our true potential.

It is more amicable for the mind to die striving towards a goal which we never make steps towards achieving, than to die with the fear of uncertainty that comes after having achieved it.

Samsara is a crutch.

Humans are such a highly-procrastinating species that we will put off what we know we must do in life, all the way into the next. Why put off to tomorrow what you can do today? Fear. The fear of realizing your dreams. Once we have broken past this fear, enough to do what we truly desire in life, our real fear presents itself in the form of a question… So, what's next?

"Your are on an infinite swim towards a non-existent shore." — Joe Rogan

The internal call for more-more-more, past what you had initially set out for yourself, is eventually realized as a quiet whisper; a damp feeling of uncertainty — only for you to come to realize that uncertainty was staring you in the face the entire time. By then, the cake has already been had and you can choose to see the rest of life as mere icing; or delude yourself into thinking there will somehow be more cake coming later on. Though, when you really look at it, you'll come to realize that your whole experience was the icing; the gift of being alive...

In the end, this is it. Life is uncertain, but death most certainly is not. Yet, so very few of us are willing to realize and bask in it before it has all gone. The icing of your experience.

So, if you had to relive your entire life over and over again an infinite number of times, in the same series of ways, would you want to?

If not,
-you had better do something to change it!