The Forest And The Trees.


Far too often we can becomes so overly fixated on the granular differences between ourselves and others that we fail to see the forest for the trees.

In expanding our scope beyond our scope, we can finally begin to witness the overarching similarities that transcend nations, borders, races and cultures.

When we look at another person, do we see the principles that make us both human or are we looking at the things that set us apart?

Are we looking at the love felt between parent and child; the liveliness of community; the aspirations for growth and a brighter future, or are we looking at the colour of another’s skin, the accent they speak with and the way they comb their hair?

Far too often we can becomes so overly fixated on the granular differences between ourselves and others that we fail to see the forest for the trees.

When we start to see beyond ourselves and what we’ve come to identify as markers for differentiation, we can begin to look at the principle and forget the paradigm. We can look beyond the division and look towards the unification of our species—the homo sapien sapien.

The root of all evil isn’t money, power, or prestige—it’s fear. Fear leads to a scarcity mindset; fear leads to a division between nations; fear leads to an us-versus-them mentality.

The root of all progress, unification, and community is love—a love for all that is at the heart of everything that makes us who we are; the human being; the homo sapien sapien.

Look deep into history; look deep into culture; look deep into anthropology, art, and science and our unity becomes abundantly clear.

Far too often we can becomes so overly fixated on the granular differences between ourselves and others that we fail to see the forest for the trees.

There is no you and I, there is only us; we are one world, one race.

-try zooming out a little more often.