Posts tagged psychology
The Only Thing We Can Truly Master.

When we talk about Mastery, we often think about an endpoint. Some moment in time in which there is nothing left to learn because we have completed every task and unlocked every achievement within a specific skillset. Whether it’s cooking, tennis, basketball, martial arts, or yoga, we all think that the point of Mastery is some magical endpoint in which all learning stops.

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Breaking The Cycle Of Reincarnation.

Astute practitioners of yoga (and Hinduism, for that matter—since they both come from the same tree) know that the primary objective is to escape the endless cycle of death and rebirth (Reincarnation) and achieve Moksha (Liberation).

Taken more allegorically, this can be better understood as escaping the endless cycle of death and rebirth in relation to one’s own suffering, or (more accurately) trauma.

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