To preface this article, I’d first like to say that I am not a sports fan. I don’t follow any major sports (outside of the UFC, which is questionable for even being a sport in the first place), so I really had no idea what was going on at the time.
Read MoreWhen thinking of Karma, most of us think that by doing something good for someone else, we will get something good in return.
Read MoreIn recent years, a new wave has hit mainstream influence in the form of pushing meditation as a viable means for mental recovery and resilience.
Read MoreIn the eyes of the Zen practitioner, just like in the eyes of the child, there is no truth. What truth can there be when you’re having fun?
Read MoreThus, we must ask ourselves: Do I want to find Love for myself, or do I want that Love to come from someone or something that can so easily take it away?
Read MoreNow, let go and learn to master the breath, to master the body, to master the mind (the conductor of your experience).
Read More"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." — Marianne Williamson
Read MoreIn the end, we must come to realize that our most valuable resource readily available to us is our breath — and we should never take it for granted!
Read MoreIt’s not what an animal thinks, but what an animal feels in the moment that guides them. They do not strategize or plan out the next few days in order to get their way; they simply act in accordance with the elements that they are given at that singular point in time.
Read MoreUnquestionably, one of the most over-utilized “new age” expressions being thrown about in today’s Motivational subcultures is the term “Ego”.
Read MoreTo cut oneself off completely from ‘society’, all ‘attachments’, and what is ‘material’ is not the answer; but to see what beauty each of these things holds is.
Read MoreNow, before you jump on the bandwagon of either (a) this is all hocus-pocus, or (b) how do I get them? Understand that modern interpretation and understanding is lightyears ahead of ancient interpretation and understanding.
Read MoreWhether it takes a minute, an hour, or a day, the objective is to clear your mind in order to let what flows naturally, flow naturally. The good news is that the more you practice this technique of clearing your mind, the better you will invariably become at it...
Read MoreThus, take control of your life; take control of your Prana. Build a better "you" by giving yourself the "Pranic-advantage".
Read MoreThe truth is you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. You can be shown the door, but it's up to you to walk through it. We are only deluding ourselves or (worse) elevating ourselves to some higher-up pedestal in hopes of changing others — even if we do have the good intention of “awakening” them — as we push for "a better world".
Read MoreThe difficulty with the more subtle-parasite over the gross-parasite is that the one being controlled by the subtle-parasite will often times not even know that they are being controlled...
Read MoreIt is hard to exactly point-point each of these three categories and derive concrete examples for each, as they are relatively subjective by nature...
Read MoreThough seemingly "esoteric" and convoluted, we run these different operating procedures throughout the myriad of our daily moments all the time — it is simply a matter of acknowledging and becoming aware of these procedures or not. Earnestly, it should be understood that no one procedure is any higher than the other, but that all procedures are equally required for this human experience to take place.
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