Martial Arts Is The One True Spiritual Path.

If I asked you to conjure up an image in your mind of the most spiritual person you can think of, you’ll probably think up a silent Zen Monk sitting under a tree; or perhaps you’ll imagine Buddha; or see an image of Christ. All universally accepted examples of highly spiritual individuals, but I contest that each of these spiritual individuals pales in comparison to a true Martial Artist.

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Most businesses, in the end, are and will forever be run by people no better than you or I—all it takes is some start-up capital, extra cash to fix your mistakes, and the funds to hire people (like me) who will make your business run more smoothly for you.

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Life Is A Betting Game.

Always bet on yourself first. That is probably the most important takeaway from this entire article. Life, what you choose to do on a daily basis, should always be seen as a bet; where the ROI you achieve is ultimately great enough to lead you towards your final goal—whatever that outcome might be.

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Groundhog Day.

Well, you now have a moment to think about it. What will you do when “time” and the expectations that go with it come back into effect? Will it be what you want to do, irregardless of time? Or will it be what you believe you need to do because of it?

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