If awareness is beyond all time, and life is like a movie being played through the lens of both past and future, then perhaps awareness is the sentient-you watching over the movie screen; knowing exactly how the movie will end, and frantically screaming back at the characterized-you, trying to set you back on course.
Read MoreExamining the mantra further, “Attachment is the root of all suffering,” can we not say that this in itself is an attachment? The more we strive for non-attachment, the harder it is for us to attain. A true paradox of mind. The more we are told not to think of the White Bear, the more the mind will naturally gravitate towards that direction.
Read MoreAll life is an illusion. All life is a sheath. Learn to let go of all that you think and feel; all that you are and are not; all that you have and have yet to experience; and just live knowing that this is it. Life happens only ever for just a moment — and that moment can feel both very close and very far away…
Read MoreBetween the awards, the accolades, and the mountain tops lies the true Gift Of Life. The little things. Do not live for the big things, because they come few and far between. Rather, live for the little things so that your entire life becomes a wholly grand affair.
Read MoreLife is a lot like waking up on a moving train with amnesia...
Read MoreLove is our one most universal resource, capable to transcending both time and space; allotting us infinite bounds of energy. No matter where we are in both time and space, we will always have the capacity and the capability to be loved and to be loving.
Read MoreVibration; sound; matter; physical touch; even the written word. Energy transfers through and is all forms and mediums.
Read MoreBe silent; be still; feel; and come to know. We all seek out the best in ourselves; we all seek out the truth --- but only the very few of us are ever really willing to receive it. All of it, stemming from a conscious state of no-mind.
Read MoreIn the context of yoga, the Glass Bead Game is a method or means for expanding one’s understanding via an expansion of the fourth kosha, vijnanamaya kosha.
Read MoreAttachment is a good thing. It's also a bad thing. Attachment is what fills our life with colour. It's also what takes that colour away.
Read MoreSo, what is it about energy? All forms of energy in this universe affect us on both a conscious and subconscious level.
Read MoreAfter examining each of the four paths to yoga, we can begin to see an undeniable commonality start to emerge: no matter which path we choose for ourselves, we are required to do something. And, in so doing, we become fully "here".
Read MoreIncessantly, we continue to drudge forward; never stopping to appreciate who we are or how far we’ve come. We can become so over-worked on finding the next big thing, that we are left to wonder how it is that we were never really “here” in the first place.
Read MoreHowever, in the end, no matter which decision we make, we must always remember to go all-in or not go at all.
Read MoreAttachment is the root of all suffering. The mind is the root of all attachment. If we learn to accept everything as it is, then there would be no suffering, no desire, no expectation towards any perceived outcome. But is this how we really want to live our lives?
Read MoreUltimately, each moment in life serves as a dynamic playing field for exercising choice. What do we truly want to do in this moment that will leave us feeling fulfilled, knowing that we are becoming something meaningful in our lives?
Read MoreSo, what am I most passionate about? What do I want to do with the rest of your life? What do I want to be when you grow up?
Read MoreThe only way through this moment is through this moment. Instead of wishing; waiting; or hoping for the moment to pass you by, just be in it. Right here, right now.
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